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XPS™ Disposable Lung Kit

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Xvivo - XPS Disposable Lung Kit
Unlock the power of confidence

The XPS™ Disposable Lung Kit contains all the necessary devices and tubing to run a normothermic EVLP procedure on the XPS™.

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Disclaimer: Not available in all markets. Please contact XVIVO for more information regarding availability in your specific region.

XPS™ Disposable Lung Kit at a glance 

XPS™ Disposable Lung Kit at a glance 

STEEN Solution™ 
A buffered extracellular solution intended for the assessment of isolated lungs after removal from the donor and in preparation for eventual transplantation into a recipient.
XVIVO Organ Chamber™ 
A sterile single-use container designed to hold and protect the lungs during the EVLP procedure.
XVIVO Disposable Lung Circuit™ 
Pre-packed kit containing integrated centrifugal pump head/oxygenator and heat exchange membrane, pediatric hard-shell reservoir, filter, tubing and priming loop, gas sensor, quick connectors and a soft drain reservoir.
XVIVO PGM Disposable Sensors™ 
Providing in-line monitoring of the perfusate. These single-use in-line sensors are designed to be used with the XPS to monitor the pH and dissolved oxygen (O2) in STEEN Solution™ during ex-vivo assessment and evaluation.
XVIVO Disposable Lung Kit™ 
Double pressure monitoring kit, level sensor pad, Hygrovent filter, breathing circuit, sterile drape and XVIVO Lung Cannula Set.

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STEEN Solution™ 

A buffered extracellular solution intended for the assessment of isolated lungs after removal from the donor in preparat...

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XVIVO Organ Chamber™ 

A sterile single-use container intended to be used as a temporary receptacle for isolated donor lungs in preparation for...

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XVIVO Lung Cannula Set™ 

A sterile single-use set that connects isolated donor lungs to an extracorporeal perfusion system for ex-vivo assessment...

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