The Donor Assist, from XVIVO B.V., perfuses organs with an oxygenated (non-) cellular fluid in the body of a (non) heart beating donor. The Donor Assist is able to restore the circulation during the harvesting of the donor organs with pulsatile machine perfusion.
The Kidney Assist Perfusion Set is a preassembled perfusion circuit that incorporates a reservoir
for the kidney and a perfusion circuit for the renal artery. The perfusion circuit contains an
oxygenator, pump head, pressure sensor and compatible tubing.
O Kit de Perfusão para o Kidney Assist é um circuito de perfusão pré-montado, que incorpora um
reservatório para o rim e um circuito de perfusão para a artéria renal. O circuito de perfusão
contém um oxigenador, cabeça da bomba, sensor de pressão e tubos compatíveis.
The Kidney Assist Transport from XVIVO B.V. (referred to as “XVIVO”) enables isolated and oxygenated donor kidney perfusion during transport from donor to recipient in transplantation procedures.
Systém Kidney Assist Transport od společnosti XVIVO B.V. (dále jen „XVIVO“) umožňuje izolovanou a okysličenou perfuzi dárcovské ledviny během transportu od dárce k příjemci při transplantačních postupech.
Das Kidney Assist Transport von XVIVO B.V. (im Folgenden „XVIVO“ genannt) ermöglicht die isolierte und mit Sauerstoff angereicherte Perfusion der Spenderniere während des Transports vom Spender zum Empfänger bei Transplantationsverfahren.
El Kidney Assist Transport de XVIVO B.V. (denominado «XVIVO») posibilita la perfusión aislada y oxigenada del riñón de un donante durante el transporte del donante al receptor en los procedimientos de trasplante.
Le dispositif Kidney Assist Transport de XVIVO B.V. (ci-après dénommé « XVIVO ») assure une perfusion isolée et oxygénée du rein du donneur pendant le transport du donneur au receveur au cours des procédures de transplantation.
Il Kidney Assist Transport di XVIVO B.V. (‘XVIVO’) consente la perfusione isolata e ossigenata del rene del donatore durante il trasporto dal donatore al ricevente nelle procedure di trapianto.
De Kidney Assist Transport van XVIVO B.V. (aangeduid als 'XVIVO') maakt geïsoleerde en geoxygeneerde donornierperfusie mogelijk tijdens het transport van donor naar ontvanger bij transplantatieprocedures.
Kidney Assist Transport från XVIVO B.V. (refererad till som ”XVIVO”) möjliggör isolerad och syresatt perfusion av den donerade njuren under transport från donator till mottagare under transplantationsprocessen.
Pomôcka Kidney Assist Transport od spoločnosti XVIVO B.V. (ďalej len „XVIVO“) umožňuje izolovanú a okysličenú perfúziu obličky darcu počas prepravy od darcu k príjemcovi pri transplantačných zákrokoch.
The Kidney Assist Transport from XVIVO B.V. (referred to as “XVIVO”) enables isolated and oxygenated donor kidney perfusion during transport from donor to recipient in transplantation procedures.
The Kidney Assist Transport from XVIVO B.V. (referred to as “XVIVO”) enables isolated and oxygenated donor kidney perfusion during transport from donor to recipient in transplantation procedures.
The Kidney Assist Transport Perfusion Set is a disposable set for use in combination
with the device Kidney Assist Transport. The purpose of the Kidney Assist Transport
Perfusion Set is to perfuse donor organs with an approved perfusion solution prior to
The Kidney Assist Transport Perfusion Set is a disposable set for use in combination with the device
Kidney Assist Transport. The purpose of the Kidney Assist Transport Perfusion Set is to perfuse donor
organs with an approved perfusion solution prior to transplantation.
The Liver Assist, from XVIVO B.V., is a pump system providing temperature controlled dual oxygenated isolated perfusion of donor livers to bridge the time span between donor hepatectomy and liver transplantation in the recipient.
The Liver Assist is intended to be used for ex-vivo hypothermic and normothermic oxygenated machine perfusion to preserve and evaluate donor livers prior to transplantation.
A Liver Assist, da XVIVO BV, é uma máquina com sistema de perfusão isolada por bombeamento, com temperatura controlada e oxigenação de duas vias para fígados de doadores. Utilizada entre a hepatectomia do doador e o implante do fígado no receptor.
Das Liver Assist von XVIVO B.V. ist ein Pumpensystem, das eine temperaturgesteuerte, zweifach oxygenierte isolierte Perfusion von Spenderlebern zur Überbrückung der Zeitspanne zwischen der Hepatektomie am Spender und der Lebertransplantation beim Empfänger bietet.
Liver Assist de XVIVO B.V. es un sistema de perfusión ex situ que proporciona perfusión aislada y oxigenada dual con temperatura controlada de hígados de donantes para ocupar el lapso de tiempo entre la hepatectomía del donante y el trasplante del hígado en el receptor.
Le Liver Assist de XVIVO B.V. est un système de pompe fournissant une perfusion isolée oxygénée à double température contrôlée des foies de donneurs, qui permet de combler le laps de temps entre l’hépatectomie du donneur et la transplantation hépatique chez le receveur.
Il dispositivo Liver Assist di XVIVO B.V. è un sistema a pompa che consente la doppia perfusione isolata, ossigenata e a temperatura controllata del fegato del donatore nel lasso di tempo che intercorre tra l’epatectomia del donatore e il trapianto nel ricevente.
Urządzenie Liver Assist firmy XVIVO B.V. to system pomp zapewniający sterowaną temperaturą podwójnie izolowaną perfuzję tlenową wątroby dawcy w celu wypełnienia przedziału czasowego między hepatektomią dawcy a przeszczepem wątroby u biorcy.
O Liver Assist da XVIVO B.V. é um sistema de bombeamento que proporciona a perfusão dupla e isolada de fígados, com termorregulação e oxigenação, durante o período entre a hepatectomia do dador e o transplante hepático do recetor.
Liver Assist, från XVIVO B.V., är ett pumpsystem som ger temperaturkontrollerad dubbel syresatt och isolerad perfusion av donatorlever för att överbrygga tidsspannet mellan donatorhepatektomi och levertransplantation hos mottagaren.
Il sistema Liver Assist è concepito per essere utilizzato nella perfusione meccanica ossigenata ipotermica e normotermica ex-vivo, al fine di preservare e valutare il fegato del donatore prima del trapianto.
The Liver Assist Perfusion Set is intended to be used for ex-vivo hypothermic and normothermic
oxygenated machine perfusion to preserve and evaluate donor livers prior to transplantation.
The Liver Assist Perfusion Set - Single is intended to be used together with the Liver Assist for ex-vivo hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion to preserve donor livers prior to transplantation.
The Lung Assist, from XVIVO B.V., is a pump system providing temperature controlled isolated perfusion of donor lungs to bridge the time span between donor pulmonectomy and lung transplantation in the recipient.
PERFADEX® Plus is an extracellular electrolyte solution containing Dextran 40. The solution is pre-buffered with 2 mM THAM and presupplemented with 0.5 mM CaCl2. PERFADEX® Plus is used for rapid cooling, perfusion and cold static storage of lungs in connection with transplantation.
PERFADEX® Plus is an extracellular electrolyte solution containing dextran 40 The solution is prebuffered with 2mM THAM and supplemented with 0.5 mM CaCl2. PERFADEX® Plus is used for rapid cooling, perfusion and cold static storage of lungs in connection with transplantation.
STEEN Solution™ is a physiological salt solution containing (70 g/l) human serum albumin and (5 g/l) Dextran 40. The extra-cellular electrolyte composition, pH and human serum albumin simulate key properties of human blood plasma.
XVIVO Perfusion System
Software version 5.3.x
Hardware version 1.9
The XVIVO Lung Cannula Set™ is a sterile, single-use set to be used to connect isolated donor lungs to an extracorporeal
perfusion system for ex-vivo assessment. The cannulas are made of PVC and medical-grade TPE both of which are FDA Class VI biocompatible, DEHP and latex-free.
The XVIVO Organ Chamber™ is a sterile, single-use container intended to be used as a temporary receptacle for isolated donor
lungs in preparation for eventual transplantation into a recipient. The chamber is made of PETg and the slot enclosures are made of TPE which is a USP class VI biocompatible material free from phthalate plasticizers, DEHP and latex.
with the XVIVO Perfusion System (XPS™) to monitor the pH and dissolved oxygen (PO2) in STEEN Solution™ during ex-vivo lung assessment. The XVIVO Perfusate Gas Sensors™ are constructed out of biocompatible and latex-free materials.
The XVIVO PGM Disposable Sensors™ are single-use, disposable in-line sensors intended to be used with the XVIVO Perfusion System (XPS™) to monitor the pH and dissolved oxygen (PO2) in STEEN Solution™ during ex-vivo lung assessment. The XVIVO Perfusate Gas Sensors™ are constructed out of biocompatible and latex-free materials.
The Kidney Assist, from XVIVO B.V. (referred as “XVIVO”), is a pump system providing temperature controlled oxygenated isolated perfusion of donor kidneys to bridge the time span between donor nephrectomy and kidney transplantation in the recipient.
The Kidney Assist Transport, from XVIVO B.V. enables isolated and oxygenated donor kidney perfusion during transport from donor to recipient in transplantation procedures.
The Kidney Assist Transport from XVIVO B.V. (referred as “XVIVO”) enables isolated
and oxygenated donor kidney perfusion during transport from donor to recipient in
transplantation procedures.
The Kidney Assist Transport from XVIVO B.V. (referred as “XVIVO”) enables isolated
and oxygenated donor kidney perfusion during transport from donor to recipient in
transplantation procedures.
The Kidney Assist Transport from XVIVO B.V. (referred as “XVIVO”) enables isolated
and oxygenated donor kidney perfusion during transport from donor to recipient in
transplantation procedures.
Le dispositif Kidney Assist Transport de XVIVO B.V. (ci-après dénommé « XVIVO »)
assure une perfusion isolée et oxygénée du rein du donneur pendant le transport du
donneur au receveur au cours des procédures de transplantation.
The Kidney Assist Transport from XVIVO B.V. (referred as “XVIVO”) enables isolated
and oxygenated donor kidney perfusion during transport from donor to recipient in
transplantation procedures.
Systém Kidney Assist Transport od společnosti XVIVO B.V. (dále jen „XVIVO“)
umožňuje izolovanou a okysličenou perfuzi dárcovské ledviny během transportu od
dárce k příjemci při transplantačních postupech.
Das Kidney Assist Transport von XVIVO B.V. (im Folgenden „XVIVO“ genannt)
ermöglicht die isolierte und mit Sauerstoff angereicherte Perfusion der Spenderniere
während des Transports vom Spender zum Empfänger bei
The Kidney Assist Transport from XVIVO B.V. (referred as “XVIVO”) enables isolated
and oxygenated donor kidney perfusion during transport from donor to recipient in
transplantation procedures.
El Kidney Assist Transport de XVIVO B.V. (denominado «XVIVO») posibilita la
perfusión aislada y oxigenada del riñón de un donante durante el transporte del
donante al receptor en los procedimientos de trasplante.
Le dispositif Kidney Assist Transport de XVIVO B.V. (ci-après dénommé « XVIVO »)
assure une perfusion isolée et oxygénée du rein du donneur pendant le transport du
donneur au receveur au cours des procédures de transplantation.
Il Kidney Assist Transport di XVIVO B.V. (‘XVIVO’) consente la perfusione isolata e
ossigenata del rene del donatore durante il trasporto dal donatore al ricevente nelle
procedure di trapianto.
De Kidney Assist Transport van XVIVO B.V. (aangeduid als 'XVIVO') maakt
geïsoleerde en geoxygeneerde donornierperfusie mogelijk tijdens het transport van
donor naar ontvanger bij transplantatieprocedures.
Kidney Assist Transport från XVIVO B.V. (refererad till som ”XVIVO”) möjliggör
isolerad och syresatt perfusion av den donerade njuren under transport från donator
till mottagare under transplantationsprocessen.
The Kidney Assist Transport from XVIVO B.V. (referred to as “XVIVO”) enables isolated and oxygenated donor kidney perfusion during transport from donor to recipient in transplantation procedures.
Systém Kidney Assist Transport od společnosti XVIVO B.V. (dále jen „XVIVO“) umožňuje izolovanou a okysličenou perfuzi dárcovské ledviny během transportu od dárce k příjemci při transplantačních postupech.
Das Kidney Assist Transport von XVIVO B.V. (im Folgenden „XVIVO“ genannt) ermöglicht die isolierte und mit Sauerstoff angereicherte Perfusion der Spenderniere während des Transports vom Spender zum Empfänger bei Transplantationsverfahren.
The Kidney Assist Transport from XVIVO B.V. (referred to as “XVIVO”) enables isolated and oxygenated donor kidney perfusion during transport from donor to recipient in transplantation procedures.
El Kidney Assist Transport de XVIVO B.V. (denominado «XVIVO») posibilita la perfusión aislada y oxigenada del riñón de un donante durante el transporte del donante al receptor en los procedimientos de trasplante.
Le dispositif Kidney Assist Transport de XVIVO B.V. (ci-après dénommé « XVIVO ») assure une perfusion isolée et oxygénée du rein du donneur pendant le transport du donneur au receveur au cours des procédures de transplantation.
Il Kidney Assist Transport di XVIVO B.V. (‘XVIVO’) consente la perfusione isolata e ossigenata del rene del donatore durante il trasporto dal donatore al ricevente nelle procedure di trapianto.
De Kidney Assist Transport van XVIVO B.V. (aangeduid als 'XVIVO') maakt geïsoleerde en geoxygeneerde donornierperfusie mogelijk tijdens het transport van donor naar ontvanger bij transplantatieprocedures.
Kidney Assist Transport från XVIVO B.V. (refererad till som ”XVIVO”) möjliggör isolerad och syresatt perfusion av den donerade njuren under transport från donator till mottagare under transplantationsprocessen.
The Liver Assist, from XVIVO B.V., is a pump system providing temperature controlled dual oxygenated isolated perfusion of donor livers to bridge the time span between donor hepatectomy and liver transplantation in the recipient.
The Liver Assist, from XVIVO B.V., is a pump system providing temperature controlled dual oxygenated isolated perfusion of donor livers to bridge the time span between donor hepatectomy and liver transplantation in the recipient.
Le Liver Assist de XVIVO B.V. est un système de pompe fournissant une perfusion isolée oxygénée à double température contrôlée des foies de donneurs, qui permet de combler le laps de temps entre l’hépatectomie du donneur et la transplantation hépatique chez le receveur.
Il dispositivo Liver Assist di XVIVO B.V. è un sistema a pompa che consente la doppia perfusione isolata, ossigenata e a temperatura controllata del fegato del donatore nel lasso di tempo che intercorre tra l’epatectomia del donatore e il trapianto nel ricevente.
O Liver Assist da XVIVO B.V. é um sistema de bombeamento que proporciona a perfusão dupla e isolada de fígados, com termorregulação e oxigenação, durante o período entre a hepatectomia do dador e o transplante hepático do recetor.
The Lung Assist, from XVIVO B.V., is a pump system providing temperature controlled isolated perfusion of donor lungs to bridge the time span between donor pulmonectomy and lung transplantation in the recipient.
XVIVO Perfusion System
Software ver. 5.3.x
Serial Number: XPS0101+
IFU - STEEN Solution™ - Issued 2022.07. For assessment of isolated lungs
IFU - XVIVO PGM Disposable Sensors™ Issued 2023.06. Perfusate Gas Monitor Sensors for use with XVIVO Perfusion System (XPS™).
IFU - XVIVO Organ Chamber™ - Issued 2023.06. Chamber for isolated donor lungs during extracorporeal perfusion
IFU - XVIVO Lung Cannula Set - Issued 2023.06. For connection of isolated donor lungs to an extracorporeal perfusion system.
IFU - XPS™ (HW1.9) - Issued 2023.06. Bedienungsanleitung XPS™ XVIVO Perfusion System.
IFU - XPS™ (HW1.9) - Issued 2023.06. Brugsanvisning XPS™ XVIVO Perfusion System.
IFU - XPS™ (HW1.9) - Issued 2022.07. Mode d’emploi XPS™ XVIVO Perfusion System.
XVIVO Perfusion System (XPS™) Software ver. 5.2 – istruzioni per l’uso.
Logiciel du système de perfusion XVIVO (XPS™) - Instructions d’utilisation
Perfuzní systém XVIVO (XPS TM) Návod k použití 1 P/N: 9182-0189 Revize R
SOFTWARE ver. 5.2
This Instructions for Use and the equipment it describes are for use only by qualified medical professionals trained in the particular technique and surgical procedure to be performed.
This User’s Guide and the equipment it describes are for use only by qualified medical professionals trained in the particular technique and surgical procedure to be performed.
XVIVO Perfusion System (XPS™). Vers. de software 5.2 instrucciones de uso.
IFU - PERFADEX® Plus (Outside US) - Issued 2022.10. Buffered, calcium containing solution for lung preservation.
IFU - Disposable Lung Kit – Issued 2023.06. Consult Instructions for Use for XVIVO Perfusion System (XPS™).
IFU - Disposable Lung Kit – Issued 2023.06. Consult Instructions for Use for XVIVO Perfusion System (XPS™).