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Controlled oxygenated rewarming as novel end-ischemic therapy for cold stored liver grafts. A randomized controlled trial.

Minor T, von Horn C, Zlatev H, Saner F, Grawe M, Lüer B, Huessler EM, Kuklik N, Paul A.

In a single center, randomized controlled trial, extended criteria livers donated after brain death (ECD-DBD) were assigned to either conventional static cold storage (SCS, n=20) or to SCS followed by 90 min controlled oxygenated rewarming (COR, n=20) using Liver Assist. Perfusion teperature was initially maintained at 8°C and then gradually increased to 20°C during 1 hour. Liver function test (LiMAx) revealed that recipients of COR-treated livers had significantly better early graft function as compared to traditionally preserved livers (p=0.006). Also, fewer severe (Clavien-Dindo ≥IIIb) complications were reported in the COR-group (8 vs 15). The authors conclude that rewarming/reperfusion injury of liver grafts can be safely and effectively mitigated by controlling of the rewarming kinetics prior to blood reperfusion.



Clin Transl Sci /  2022  /  doi: 10.1111/cts.13409

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