XVIVO have more than 20 years of experience within the transplant industry and are dedicated to providing more effective, clinically proven and innovative products that both increase the availability of acceptable donor organs and improve survival after transplantation. This includes a sustainable way of working and doing business. XVIVO wants to offer attractive products and services without compromising on quality, service requirements, human rights, working conditions and the environment. This shall be reflected in XVIVOs always evolving relationship with its suppliers.
This Code of Conduct (CoC) is based on the principles of international standards such as the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the Core Conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact. This CoC stipulates the minimum requirements that XVIVO’s suppliers shall respect and meet within their own operations and within their supply chain. XVIVO recognizes that reaching the standards established in this CoC is a dynamic process and encourages suppliers to continuously improve their operations. XVIVO will support its suppliers to meet the standards through dialogue and cooperation. Any supplier who does not meet the requirements in this CoC needs to discuss corrective actions openly with XVIVO.
The supplier shall comply with all applicable national laws and regulations, industry minimum standards and any other relevant statutory requirements of the countries in which they operate. Should any requirements stipulated in this Code conflict with national legislation, the law shall take precedence.
All employees shall be entitled to a written employment contract in a language they understand. The supplier does not use any form of forced labor. Employees have the right to leave the premises of the supplier after completing a standard workday and are free to terminate their employment provided that they give reasonable legal notice to the supplier.
All employees shall have the right to form, join and organize trade unions of their choice and to bargain collectively on their behalf with the supplier. The interests of the employees shall be respected without the fear of threats or harassment. In countries where the freedom of association is limited or under development, the supplier shall ensure that a freely elected employee representative can meet with management to discuss wages and workplace issues without negative consequences
All employees shall be treated with respect and dignity, based on their individual ability andqualifications. Any form of discrimination, on the ground of race, gender, age, religion, caste, national origin, disability, political affiliation, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, ethnicity or union membership, must not be tolerated. Employees shall not be subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or inhuman treatment.
All employees shall be timely paid at least the national legal minimum wages. All employees shall also be provided legally mandated benefits, including holidays and leaves and statutory severance when employment ends. Deductions from wages and benefits as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted. Agreements concerning remuneration and benefits should be comprehensible to the employees.
Working hours shall not exceed the statutory limit. Overtime shall be voluntary, and always be compensated at a premium rate as defined by national law. In countries where working hours are not limited by national law, for the sector in question, adequate rest periods shall be regulated between the supplier and the employees.
The supplier shall provide its employees with a working environment which is safe, hygienic and conductive to good health. As a minimum, potable drinking water, adequate lighting, temperature, ventilation, sanitation and personal protective equipment shall be provided together with securely equipped workstations. The supplier shall establish and follow clear procedures on occupational health and safety and take effective steps to prevent potential accidents and injury. If the supplier provides accommodation, it shall be clean and safe and meet the basic needs of the employees. Accommodation shall be clearly segregated from the production area and employees shall be able to enter and leave the accommodation freely at any hour.
The supplier’s operations shall be free from child labour. No child below 15 years is allowed to work, subject to exceptions allowed by national or international law. If the supplier employs young workers, it shall demonstrate that the employment does not expose the young workers to undue physical risks that can harm physical, mental or emotional development.
The supplier shall work to prevent all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery. The supplier shall never, directly or through intermediaries, offer or promise any improper advantage in order to obtain or retain a business or other advantage from a third party. The supplier shall not, directly or through intermediaries, pay or accept bribes, arrange or accept kickbacks. The supplier shall not, directly or indirectly, offer gifts to XVIVO employees or persons representing XVIVO or anyone closely related to these, unless the gift is of insignificant value.
The supplier shall always compete in the marketplace with respect for and in compliance with applicable competition laws and regulations. The Supplier shall not, directly or indirectly, including through an agent or other intermediary, engage in any anti-competitive practice(s), entailing any agreement, decision or practice which has as its object or effect the restriction or distortion of competition in any market. This includes, not least, entering into discussions or agreements with competitors concerning pricing, market sharing or other similar activities.
The supplier shall have procedures in place to secure compliance with the requirements of applicable environmental legislation and regulations. Also, the supplier shall have knowledge of the environmental impacts of its operations, and shall continuously strive to reduce impacts and improve environmental performance in a systematic way. Improvements should cover reduction of energy and water use, emissions and waste as well as the reduction and/or substitution of hazardous chemicals.
The supplier shall be expected to implement the principles described in this CoC in its own business or have at least equivalent standards adopted and conduct its business in accordance therewith. The supplier shall have a system in place to implement and communicate the principles within its supply chain. XVIVO should be allowed to assess its supplier’s compliance with this CoC by asking the supplier to provide relevant information and also by conducting audits and reviews of the supplier.
XVIVO believes in cooperation and is willing to work together with suppliers to meet the requirements in the XVIVO Code of Conduct for Suppliers.
Acceptance of the XVIVO Code of Conduct for Suppliers.