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PERFADEX® and STEEN Solution™ approved in Russia

XVIVO Perfusion has obtained approval in Russia for marketing and clinical use of PERFADEX® and STEEN Solution™.

Russia’s Federal Service for Supervision on Health Care has approved PERFADEX® and STEEN Solution™ for lung transplantation. This means that PERFADEX® and STEEN Solution™ may be sold for clinical use in Russia.

Russia is not a large market today, but there is a great need for more lung transplants to be performed in the region. This registration allows clinics in Russia to gain access to PERFADEX®, which is adapted to lung preservation, and to be able to evaluate the quality of lungs using STEEN Solution™ and Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion (EVLP).

“The registration of PERFADEX® and STEEN Solution™ in Russia increases the accessibility of lung transplant products in this region and is a step in the right direction towards our vision that “No-one should need to die waiting for a new organ”. It is also in line with our long-term focus on future growth markets,” says Magnus Nilsson, CEO of XVIVO Perfusion.

February 16, 2016

XVIVO Perfusion AB (publ)

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