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HOPE for livers: Reshaping clinical practice with cold liver perfusion

XVIVO Webinar platform is for scientists, clinicians and the healthcare community to highlight, share and discuss pre-clinical and clinical transplant work performed worldwide.

Damiano Patrono, M.D, PhD, FEBS, A.O.U. Citta’ Della Salute e Della Scienzia, Torino (IT)

Speakers for the webinar:
Vincent de Meijer, M.D, PhD, FEBS, UMCG, Groningen (NL)
Georg Lurje, M.D, PhD, FEBS, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Heidelberg (DE)

They presented the following presentations:

  • Prolonged DHOPE: Game-changing approach to extending liver preservation
  • Long-term outcomes of ex-vivo machine-perfusion: Current evidence & outlook

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