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XVIVO Industry Symposium ESOT – Unlock the potential of machine perfusion: from optimizing outcomes to economic viability

XVIVO Webinar platform is for scientists, clinicians and the healthcare community to highlight, share and discuss pre-clinical and clinical transplant work performed worldwide.

Ass. Prof. Annemarie Weissenbacher, DPhil, FEBS (Medical University of Innsbruck, AT)

Speakers for the webinar:
Prof. Mickaël Lesurtel, MD, PhD (Beaujon Hospital – University of Paris Cité, FR)
Prof. Robert Porte, MD, PhD, FEBS (Erasmus Medical Center, NL)
Dr. Cyril Moers, MD, PhD (UMC Groningen, NL)

They presented the following presentations:

  • HOPExt Study: End-ischemic Hypothermic Oxygenated Perfusion for Extended Criteria Donors in Liver Transplantation –A French multicenter, randomized controlled trial
  • Health Economics analysis of the dHOPE randomized trial
  • Renal normothermic machine perfusion – No walk in the park, but important to establish

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