XVIVO Perfusion (the Company) announced earlier today at the Company's website the news that two LS™ contracts was concluded in Spain, which were the first two LS™ contracts XVIVO Perfusion signed and the first lung evaluation machines (EVLP machines named LS™ and XPS™) to Spain.
XVIVO Perfusion clarifies that according to the Company's business model, the pricing strategy for capital goods, which are EVLP machines named LS ™ and XPS ™, is designed to allow the sale of capital goods to not have a significant financial impact on the company. According to the company's pricing strategy the future sales using the EVLP machines through sales of STEEN Solution ™ and related disposables is of financial importance for the Company.
As the number of clinics that perform lung transplants in Europe are only around 80, the deployment of EVLP machines is of significant importance because the sale of EVLP machines is a prerequisite for the company to monetize the use of these machines. In addition, these EVLP machines are the first to Spain, which carries a high proportion (13 percent in 2014 according GODT) of the total number of lung transplants in Europe.
October 27, 2016
XVIVO Perfusion AB (publ)