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Conference call interim report

Invitation to attend XVIVO Perfusion’s conference call regarding presentation of the interim report for the period April-June, 2014. The presentation will be held in English.

Time: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 2.00 p.m. CET

Registration can preferably be done in advance under the following link: https://engage.vevent.com/rt/xvivoperfusion~20140813_webcast

or shortly before time of the conference starts on:
Sweden dial in number: 0200884746
International dial in number: +44 (0) 1452 558567
Conference name: XVIVO Perfusion, conference ID: 67955875

Participants from XVIVO Perfusion:
Magnus Nilsson, CEO
Christoffer Rosenblad, CFO

The press release for XVIVO Perfusion’s interim report for the period January – June, 2014 will be released before the conference call August 13, 2014.

Before the conference call, slides will be available at the company web page, www.xvivoperfusion.com/corporate/.

August 7, 2014
XVIVO Perfusion AB (publ)

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