XVIVO Perfusion’s XPS™ has been approved by FDA in the USA for the evaluation of marginal lungs before lung transplantation and has received a CE mark in Europe. XPS™ is used with good clinical results at leading clinics in the USA and there is already one at a clinic in Asia. In Europe, EVLP using STEEN Solution™ was previously done manually, in other words without XPS™. Access to XPS™ enables EVLP to be standardized and simplified. There is now great interest in XPS™ in both the USA and in Europe. Further university hospitals in Europe and the USA plan to start using EVLP (lung evaluation) combined with XPS™ and STEEN Solution™.
“The first XPS™ for Europe is an important milestone for XVIVO Perfusion and we are very pleased that Europe is now part of the expansion of EVLP using XPS™ and STEEN Solution™. This is a big step forward in being able to save more patients with terminal lung disease and give them a new life,” says Magnus Nilsson, CEO of XVIVO Perfusion.
February 4, 2015
XVIVO Perfusion AB (publ)